Gift Details

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      Payment Details

        No payment needed.

          If you would like to make a gift of mutual funds, bonds, foreign or restricted stock, please contact the Gift Securities Team at 650.721.1917, as these transactions require special handling.
          By filling out this online form, Stanford will be notified of your intent to make a securities transfer and will be able to expedite the processing of your gift. To complete the transaction, you must fill out and print a Letter of Authorization form, sign it, and submit it to your broker. Some brokerage firms require this letter to be Notarized or Medallion Signature Guaranteed. Please check with your broker for additional requirements

          If no broker, please enter "None."

          If you are filling out this form on behalf of the donor, please fill in the following information:

          Please make sure that the About Me section above has the donor's information, not your information.

          Please accept this letter as my authorization to irrevocably transfer:

          Total Gift Amount $00.00
          Total Security Transfer $00.00
          Net Required $00.00

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          Make your gift go even further! Check to see if your employer will match your gift. Find My Company ».

          You will receive an email receipt for this gift for tax purposes.

          If you would prefer to receive a paper receipt for tax purposes, please check one or both of the following boxes:

          You have previously indicated that you prefer not to receive email gift receipts for tax purposes.

          Uncheck the box below if you want to receive an email tax receipt for this gift instead of a paper receipt by mail:

          You will receive an email receipt for this gift for tax purposes.

          If you would prefer to receive a paper receipt for tax purposes, please check the following box: