Who Needs the Humanities at 'Start-Up U'?
Galvanized by perceptions that Stanford is primarily a training ground for tech entrepreneurs, humanities faculty are working to show the value, relevance and strength of their programs.
Randy Lyhus (incorporating photos courtesy of David Noah)
How the Truth Gets Twisted
Fuzzy memories aren't the only problem with relying on eyewitness testimony in the courtroom, says psychologist Elizabeth Loftus, MA '67, PhD '70. Her research has shown that what we think we remember can be completely contrived.
Susan McConnell
In a Last Wild Place
Lions are being lost at an alarming rate across Africa. Biologist and wildlife photographer Susan McConnell traveled to a reserve in Mozambique to see why they're in trouble, and what's being done to help.
Bullets, Blood and Ice
July 2018 -
July 2018 -
Dispatch from Colombia: Nick Casey
July 2018 -
You Knew Stanford Alumni Invented Google, But the Koosh Ball?
July 2018 -
Where to Find Inspiration? Maybe at Your Feet.
July 2018