
Photo: Glenn Matsumura

When 74 years of Communist rule ended, archivist Charles Palm saw his chance. Here's how he brought 25 million pages of once-secret Soviet history to Stanford.

  • Photo: Jim Spirakis

    Rhymes with Harpoonist

    With an eye for detail and a quirky sense of humor, cartoonist Hilary Price finds fodder in everyday life. Her comic strip, "Rhymes with Orange," runs in 100 newspapers.

  • Photo: Jeffrey Titcomb

    Truth and Consequences

    Anthropologist David Stoll's exposé of a Nobel Peace Prize winner has set off a furor and dredged up old arguments from the campus culture wars of the 1980s.

  • Photo: Amanda Lane

    Poetic License

    Vikram Seth was doing a PhD in economics when he got diverted by a writing fellowship -- and became a poet, translator, travel writer and best-selling novelist instead.