Illustration: Ryan Huddle
- 11 Former Trees and What They're Up to Now
- 9 Rules for Cheering at Big Game (according to the 1933 Stanford Daily)
- 6 Cardinal Sins
- 10 Stanford Firsts
- 3 Cool Maps
- 4 Unsung Heroes
- 3 Do-Overs from Stanford History
- 28 Fish Called Jordan
- 4 Memorable Monikers Named After Stanford People
- 3 Things That Happened on Stanford Land Before It Was a University
- 5 Obscure Items from Stanford Collections
- 9 Guilty Pleasures of Nobel Laureates
- 6 Extinct Majors from 1916
- 6 Things Stanford Lacks (that some other U.S. universities have)
- 7 Lists We Rejected (so the editor wouldn't get sacked)
- 11 Items for a 2016 Stanford Time Capsule
- 9 Big Names Who Played on the Farm Before They Were Famous
BIG CEDARS BY BOLTON COIT BROWN. Courtesy Indianapolis Museum of Art, Gift of Mrs. Lucy Fletcher Brown
The Unbendable Bolton Brown
July 2018 -
Class of 2014
May/June 2017 -
Trustee Extraordinaire
July 2018 -
Do You Speak Elephant?
Class of 2009
March 2018