About a Boy
His death broke his parents’ hearts and spawned a university. But who was he? Recent revelations suggest a different Leland Stanford Jr. than many have imagined.
America and the Paradox of Power
Dominant but vulnerable, the United States confronts terrorism and growing resentment abroad. How should it respond, and what do its actions say about the country? Six scholars weigh in.
Living Large
Marilyn Wann has taken on a sizable challenge—eradicating stereotypes about and discrimination against fat people. Fat isn’t a pejorative for her, though—it’s “flabulous,” a natural state that should be celebrated, even if that means defying medical convention about the dangers of excess weight.
Keep It Real
Students in Stanford’s documentary film program let their subjects do the talking. Whether they’re examining teen angst or the roots of racist violence, their storytelling style is driven by one goal—finding the truth.
Columns and Departments
Red All Over
Facing Up to Reality
Real World experience
Trade Goods, Not Bullets
Peace merchants
Digitizing Just Got Easier
Page turner
Goldilocks Beats the Rap
Was Goldilocks guilty?
Farm Report
Class Notes
Bullets, Blood and Ice
July 2018 -
The Audition Tape that Could
July 2018 -
Where to Find Inspiration? Maybe at Your Feet.
July 2018 -
July 2018 -
Can This Puzzle Be Solved?
July 2018