Classes, Clubs, and Online Communities
Over 500 class groups, clubs and online communities are listed below. Find a group of alumni who enjoyed similar Stanford experiences, or a group that's all about where you are in life now. Wait, why pick just one? Join as many as you'd like.
Stanford Asian Pacific American Alumni Club (SAPAAC)
Established in 1989, SAPAAC organizes networking and community building opportunities for Asian Pacific American (APA) alumni, fund a scholarship for current students, support the Asian American Activities Center (A3C) at Stanford, and advocate for APA communities on campus.
Join by clicking "Join group" in the sidebar right. For SAPAAC news, events, or to get involved, please check out our web site: |
Stanford Association of Oregon
The Stanford Association of Oregon, based in the Portland metropolitan area, has two primary goals: our first is to provide entertaining and interesting opportunities for local Stanford alumni to meet and learn, attracting a wide range of alumni with a mix of activities that appeal to different groups. Second, we want to provide a mechanism for promoting Stanford in the region while forging links with other Stanford and NW regional alumni groups. There are no dues. |
Stanford Indigenous Alumni Association
The purpose of Stanford Indigenous Alumni Association (SIAA) is to honor, connect, and support the Indigenous Stanford alumni community in all its diversity. In furtherance of that purpose, SIAA shall provide opportunities for cultural, social, educational, and professional interactions and support for Indigenous alumni; Stanford Indigenous students (current and prospective), faculty, and staff; other Stanford alumni organizations; the greater Indigenous community; and the general public.
Stanford Club of Minnesota
Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and the Dakotas
We are a group of Minnesota alumni who get together for events and activities such as outdoor concerts at the Mill City Museum, Stanford faculty speakers, happy hours, football/basketball game gatherings, beer and wine tasting and food pairings, joint events with other alumni clubs and more. We are always open to suggestions for events. We look forward to meeting you. |
GSB St. Louis Chapter
Kansas and Missouri
How to Get Involved in Our Chapter |
Stanford Club of Chicago
Illinois, Wisconsin, and Northwest Indiana
Free membership, no dues! Opt into the Stanford Club of Chicago so that you receive event news and invitations to meet and reconnect with fellow alums near you. We plan a variety of social, intellectual and community activities in Chicago and surrounding suburbs for all undergraduate and graduate school alumni and parents of current students. We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events!
El Paso del Norte Stanford Alumni
Texas - South/Central
The El Paso Del Norte Stanford Alumni Club is an educational, social, and professional organization in the El Paso, West Texas, Southern New Mexico, Juarez, and Chihuahua region. The Club encourages alumni participation with Stanford University and advocates for the needs and concerns of prospective, current and past Stanford students from the region. |
Stanford Latino Alumni Association
The Stanford Latino Alumni Association (SLAA) was conceived as an alumni organization with global scope that connects Stanford Latino alumni to each other, to students, and to Stanford. We currently serve regional Stanford Latino alumni networks already established or emerging; a membership of 2,700+ Stanford Latino alumni; and Stanford University in its mission to reach, serve and engage all alumni. |
Phoenix Stanford Chapter
Whether you want to meet new people, reconnect with fellow alums or explore great local activities, the Phoenix Stanford Chapter has something for you. Join us to connect with the local Stanford community.
Membership is free! Are you a recent graduate? Check out our Young Alumni Facebook Page! |
GSB Washington DC/Baltimore Chapter
Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia
How to Get Involved Chapter Leaders |
GSB Minnesota Chapter
Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and the Dakotas
How to Get Involved in Our Chapter Nima Ahmadi, MBA '15 |
Stanford Club of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Delaware, Southern New Jersey
Whether you want to meet new people, reconnect with fellow alums or explore great local activities, our club has something for you. Join us to connect with the Stanford community in Philadelphia and the greater Delaware Valley.
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